Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Joy To The World!

Success! I went in for my weigh-in yesterday and i have lost the 1.5 pounds that i had gained plus another 1/2 pound! :) I'm back at being 23 pounds down and happy about it!

My nurse at the Lindora clinic talked to me about doing a metabolic menu plan starting the week after next. I am on my 8th week and at around the 9th or 10th week they want you to stay within (loosing and gaining) 1.5 pounds. It's just a phase where they want to trick your body into a plateau so that when you start the next program they can start all over by shocking the system and loosing like crazy again.

Unfortunately, the programs are SUPER expensive so i don't think i will be doing another program. HOWEVER! I am crafty and sneaky with my ways and found out how i can keep doing what i am doing and still be able to come into the clinic for weigh-ins and such FOR FREE!

This is how it will work... Everyone who has ever been a Lindora member has free access to their scales for life even without purchasing a program. Although it will not come with the B-12 shots, which i'm not getting anyways because they give me severe heartburn. You also won't be able to use the keto sticks (the ones that you pee on to see if you are in fat burning mode) but you can buy a pack of them for like $5 and bring them in yourself. This saves a TON of money and i will still be able to go in and have the accountability that i was having before. I also will still have full access on the Lindora products and food that they have to offer whenever i would need to purchase anything if i needed to.

The nice ladies at Lindora of course warned me that they see a lot of people try to do this without having a program and they don't succeed as well as they did when they had the program. I think it is because you are then not REQUIRED to come in twice a week but it is on your own will. I assured them that i know i can do it and i have strong faith in myself that i never have really had before when it comes to eating right and knowing whats best for myself health-wise. After they had heard my soppy speech they agreed that they think i would still do just as well if not BETTER than what i have done while being on this program. i have only 3 full weeks left of my program and i am determined to hit the 25 mark before it ends.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Uh oh...

So after my weigh in on Tuesday i was 23 pounds down! Good news right? And there there was Amber's birthday party...i had a cupcake. I totally did not think that it was going to make a drastic change because i was gunna go exercise it off and everything was going to be fine. Then i got sick...total rumbling stomach and i barely wanted to even go outside. So the exercise was put off and i gained back 1.5 pounds as of today's weigh-in. This is the first time i've gained anything since the program started so i'm going to look at that as an accomplishment on it's own.

But as for right now, I'm kicking it into high gear again and i'm doing a protein day today even though i already did one this week. I feel like it will make up for the dang cupcake and i can get back to doing what i was doing.

Hope you all are having a great day. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBER!

<3 Amy

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm back!

Sorry i haven't posted in a while. I know a few of you were wondering where i went! Well i got super busy with collar orders and 150 cinnamon spice cupcakes for my mom's friend Lara's company Christmas party tonight! Here is some pictures:

Now that we are done looking at delicious, very bad for you, cupcakes let's get to the good stuff. haha...

For the past week i have been stuck at 21 pounds. I have been ordered to do 2 protein days this week to boost it back up. That was as of Thursday. TODAY, i weighed myself and the scale says i have lost 7 pounds since then and it's only Saturday. I am totally at a loss at how this could have happened because i haven't even done my protein days yet.

I usually don't even like posting about the weigh-in's i do myself because its not the "legit" scale and measurement that is recorded at the clinic. I will be able to give you the EXACT number by Tuesday (12/10). I'm going to do all i can do to keep myself on target (like i have been) until the next weigh-in because, if that 7 pounds is correct, i would LOVE to say that i've lost 28 pounds. But like the Lindora people always tell me, i can't get ahead of myself because no matter what is going on either a plateau or just a small stuck period they will help me figure it out.

I'm on my 7th week of my 10 week program so things are going well!

Thanks again for reading as a jabber on about all of this. Check back Tuesday and i will FOR SURE post again :)
