Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm back!

Sorry i haven't posted in a while. I know a few of you were wondering where i went! Well i got super busy with collar orders and 150 cinnamon spice cupcakes for my mom's friend Lara's company Christmas party tonight! Here is some pictures:

Now that we are done looking at delicious, very bad for you, cupcakes let's get to the good stuff. haha...

For the past week i have been stuck at 21 pounds. I have been ordered to do 2 protein days this week to boost it back up. That was as of Thursday. TODAY, i weighed myself and the scale says i have lost 7 pounds since then and it's only Saturday. I am totally at a loss at how this could have happened because i haven't even done my protein days yet.

I usually don't even like posting about the weigh-in's i do myself because its not the "legit" scale and measurement that is recorded at the clinic. I will be able to give you the EXACT number by Tuesday (12/10). I'm going to do all i can do to keep myself on target (like i have been) until the next weigh-in because, if that 7 pounds is correct, i would LOVE to say that i've lost 28 pounds. But like the Lindora people always tell me, i can't get ahead of myself because no matter what is going on either a plateau or just a small stuck period they will help me figure it out.

I'm on my 7th week of my 10 week program so things are going well!

Thanks again for reading as a jabber on about all of this. Check back Tuesday and i will FOR SURE post again :)


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